Watch Excited Maiden Flyers Control an Aircraft for the First Time

Enjoy this 6min video of a Trial Instruction Flight...


An awesome way to experience the 'Joy of Flight'

Ever wanted to experience flying a plane.....Ever thought you might want to learn to fly a plane........Ever thought about a career in Aviation.......Ever wanted to fly for recreation - DO IT! Book a Trial Instruction Flight now.

30 minutes engine time, a video and hands on experience - have a go!! 
We know you will love it...

Join Chief Flying Instructor Peter Reed from Skyflyte


Peter Reed conducts a Trial Instruction Flight with a Student.  This is a 30min hands on experience in a Dual Control Foxbat A22LS.  It gives you the chance to fly a plane and experience the 'real' feeling of flight.  We film all flights at no extra charge for you to take home and share with friends and family.

Adventure Trial Flights

The Perfect Gift or a Great Way to Start Your Flight Training! Fly the Foxbat with Us

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About the author

My passion is flying and teaching people how to fly. I aim to produce skilled 'stick and rudder' pilots with the primary focus on risk management and safety. I have been flying for over 49 years and teaching for over 45 years. I trust the odd article I contribute will be useful and help you in your flying journey.

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Wandering Foxbat

Wandering Foxbat
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